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Environment and Zero Waste

This training, which will raise awareness about the effects of climate change on our world and in our country, has been prepared with the contributions of the T.C. Ministry of Environment, Urbanization, and Climate Change.

1340 Person Joined

Number of Lessons 4
Duration 00:23:41
Participation Certificate Yes

In this training, you will gain knowledge about:

  • The zero waste approach,
  • The transformation of waste,
  • The role of local governments in the zero waste system,
  • The benefits of zero waste practices.
    Training Content
    1. What is Zero Waste? 1 00:06:09
    2. Types of Waste and Methods 1 00:06:45
    3. The Effects of Industrial Waste and Deposit Management 1 00:05:09
    4. The Benefits of Zero Waste Practices 1 00:05:38
Number of Lessons 4
Duration 00:23:41
Participation Certificate Yes