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My Money is Valuable - Financial Literacy Training

Coordinated by the T.C. Presidential Office of Finance and in cooperation with the Financial Literacy and Access Association (FODER), with the contribution of Borsa İstanbul Group.

6305 Person Joined

Number of Lessons 16
Duration 02:10:16
Participation Certificate Yes

By the end of My Money is Valuable - Financial Literacy Training, you will learn:

  • Basic information about financial literacy,
  • How to create a financial plan,
  • How to budget and save,
  • Investment tools and methods,
  • Ways to protect yourself from inflation,
  • The use of financial technology,
  • The individual pension system,
  • And insurance content, along with ways to evaluate your money securely.
Training Content
1. What is Financial Literacy? 1 00:05:17
2. What is a Financial Plan? Why is it Necessary to Make a Financial Plan? 1 00:05:01
3. What are the Benefits of Budgeting? How to Make a Budget? 1 00:08:41
4. How will I Save? 1 00:06:16
5. What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Card Payment Systems? 1 00:08:08
6. What Should I Pay Attention to When Using Personal Loans? 1 00:10:38
7. What is Inflation? How Can I Protect Myself from Inflation? 1 00:09:53
8. What are Investment Instruments? 1 00:09:46
9. How will I Invest? 1 00:09:12
10. What is an Investment Fund? 1 00:06:17
11. What is the Private Pension System? 1 1 00:06:14
12. What is the Private Pension System? 2 1 00:06:22
13. How Should We Use Financial Technology? 1 00:06:12
14. What Should I Pay Attention to When Getting Insurance? 1 00:09:16
15. Financial Well-being 1 1 00:09:58
16. Financial Well-being 2 1 00:13:05
Number of Lessons 16
Duration 02:10:16
Participation Certificate Yes