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Occupational Health and Safety

With this training consisting of 7 main topics, you can raise awareness about general occupational health and safety issues.

107265 Person Joined

Number of Lessons 31
Duration 05:44:14
Subtitle Yes
Participation Certificate Yes


This training is designed to teach general occupational safety rules and how to protect oneself from accidents, to raise awareness about the precautions to be taken, and to aim to work in a safer work environment.

In the process of instilling occupational safety as a culture, it is aimed to increase and reinforce the knowledge level of employees.

Completing this training does not eliminate the employer's responsibility in terms of Occupational Health and Safety Law No. 6331.

Training Content
1.0. General Rules of Occupational Health and Safety and Safety Culture 5 01:00:27
2.0. Information on Labor Legislation 3 00:37:00
3.0. Legal Rights and Responsibilities of Employees 2 00:12:50
4.0. Workplace Cleanliness and Order 3 00:23:51
5.0. Legal Consequences of Occupational Accidents and Diseases 2 00:14:21
6.0. Health Issues 6 01:20:02
7.0. Technical Issues 10 01:55:43
Number of Lessons 31
Duration 05:44:14
Subtitle Yes
Participation Certificate Yes